Writing Good Resume
It is obvious that you need to write a good cover letter to us ([email protected]) so your application will go to next step.
You can use this template as your guideline.
Subject: Application [your name] for [job] at [company]
To: [receiver, who sent you the response and remember him/her]
Purpose: Application for [job]
[First Paragraph: put a brief history about your self, such as,
name, education background, working experience, etc. ]
[Second Paragraph: tell us about the honest reason you want to join Temindo]
[Third Paragraph: put your expectation from us, what can we do for you?]
[Footer: put name, phone, email]
Creating a good cover letter, means the higher possibility your application may be readable to us.
Some Tips:
- Those cover letter must be in the body of your e-mail, not as attachment.
- You have to put everything about yourself in writing, not use some template.
- Take attention on footer because that is how you will be contacted.
- Attach your colorful photo (instagrammable)
- Attach your resume only in one page, in a plain format for better readable (skip fancy design)
Read those tips above very carefully. We wish the best luck of you in future.